TVC Kids
Newborn to 5th Grade
- Nursery and Toddlers: 0 – 48 months
- Nursery: 0 – 24 months
- Twos & Threes: 2 and 3 year olds
- Seekers: PreK & Kindergarten
- Adventurers: 1st through 3rd grade
- Pioneers: 4th & 5th grade
- Nursery and Toddlers: 0 – 48 months
- Seekers: PreK & Kindergarten
- Elementary: 1st through 5th grade
If you would like to volunteer in Children’s Ministry, click here for the adult volunteer application, and here for the youth volunteer application. We would love for you to be a part of our team!
Eagle Lake On Location Summer Camp August 5–9, 2024 early registration discount info and link, click here!
Please direct questions to TVC Children’s Ministry Director, Judith Medina-Sheffield:
We exist in order to:
“Develop biblically literate children who embrace Jesus as Savior and Lord, accept the Bible as truth and a guide for life, seek to obey biblical principles, actively pursue a vibrant relationship with God and live transformed lives with a passion for the lost. We supplement, support and empower parents to connect and lead their families spiritually.”
We seek to accomplish this by:
“Using a connected and purposeful biblically-based curriculum, utilizing teachers and volunteers within their giftings, developing meaningful relationships with the children, and emphasizing connections to life and culture. Additionally, providing venues for families to connect and be encouraged in their relational and spiritual journeys.”
Student Ministry
6th to 12th Grade
High School Ministry (9th-12th grade) meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the Gym at TVC. Dinner is served and open gym activities as well as Bible Study are included.
Jr. High Ministry (6th – 8th grade) meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Loft at TVC.
To see a list of church-wide events, including those hosted by our student ministry, visit our calendar page. We have a boat day coming up in August!
We exist to partner with the family in the discipleship of their students. TVC’s Middle and High School Student Ministries aim to help students grow and mature in their relationships with Jesus and each other. Our time is spent eating, having fun (open gym, ping pong, board games, etc.) and diving deeper into the Bible together in both large and small groups.